Wotan Games Online Shop
Product Details
Camelot - The Court
Camelot - The Court
Camelot - The Court
Camelot - The Court
Camelot - The Court
Camelot - The Court
Camelot - The Court
Brand:Wotan Games
Product Code:0411WTG
Product Condition:New
£20.00 inc. tax
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Camelot – The Court takes us into the Great Hall at Camelot and the viscous world of court politics where a whisper of scandal can send even the most senior knight tumbling down the social order. The board shows the dazzling splendour of Arthur and Guinevere enthroned at one end of the hall where your knight might spend some time hob-nobbing with their majesties as well as the somewhat less dazzling and notably un-splendid end of the hall by the door where he will just have to try and ignore the draught, the dirt and the ripe smell of failure.

No. of Players 2 - 5
Duration: 30 minutes
Min. Age: 10
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